Cronicles of Francisco Pizarro

An Interactive History

Introduction and Preface

Francisco Pizarro is known as the 'conquistador' of Peru. In 1513 he left Spain to explore the new world on the expedition led by Vasco Núñez de Balboa. Along with Pizarro, he also employed several people who would go on to write about his exploits and stories. in 1524 he managed to acquire funding from Diego de Almagro and Hernando de Luque, two important men in Panama. From Panama, he proposed to conquer "Biru" (Peru). He and others had heard of the trade networks, riches and possible cities of gold. Picture of Francisco Pizarro Our story begins as Pizarro arrives to the northern Peruvian town of Tumbes. Prior to this the Incan empire (Tahuantinsuyu) had been struggling with internal conflict and civil war between the two royal Inca brothers, Huascar and Atahualpa. At this time, the Incan empire was incredibly expansive, stretching from what is now Colombia all the way to Argentina. Picture of Atahualpa
[1] Francisca Pìzarro una ilustre mestiza, María Rostworowski Tovar de Diez Canseco. Lima, IEP.